Shubhkamna advert explains significance of infrastructure in realty sector

Market drivers can be defined as betterment’s in a region that enhances the advantages of living there. Infrastructure is by a wide edge the most vital driver for any area and property appreciation, says Shubhkamna Advert Group.

Infrastructure can take various forms. It consolidates road improvement to support system of a region, community base, for instance, dedicated water and power supply, open gardens, and so on that improves the quality of living in the region, and social base, for instance, schools, colleges and healthcare, which lead to shorter travelling time to such very essential services.


Shubhkamna Buildtech believes that infrastructure must be put in place either before or along with other real estate development. Attempts to put it in place retrospectively create the kind of mess that one can see in many of our cities today. The building of flyovers and road widening are attempted in highly congested areas, disrupting the flow of normal activity and taking ages to be built, causing great inconvenience and massive costs to the city because of the incessant delays.

Building infrastructure is like growing trees – in both cases, there needs to be enough space for them to grow, and sufficient opportunity for a root network to deploy. Without space and depth, neither trees nor infrastructure can grow and flourish. Shubhkamna Advert Group explains this by taking the the case of Pune as an example. One can see that building infrastructure as an afterthought to real estate development, rather than as a precursor, does not really work well.

Pune’s haphazard development in the past has not been favorable for decent infrastructure deployment to complement its rapid development on other fronts. Battling severe constraints, Pune’s development authorities are doing their best to counter the ill-effects of unregulated development which has so far been taking place. One can see some good results in building support infrastructure, but Pune Municipal Corporation is actually losing battle.

This is amply illustrated by the fact that the Pune Municipal Corporation is not able to provide suitable parking, traffic management solutions and utilities supply despite enormous investments.



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